Independence Day

It's the 4th July and Americans are celebrating their independence from their colonists, but maybe it's time for the rest of the tech world to do the same.

Already the US financial markets have gone badly wrong thanks to knee jerk over-reaction and treating blue collar crime with broadly the same penalties as murder (although this has already not stopped the US authorities from extraditing UK citizens for crimes committed in the UK) - NASDAQ trying to buy the Stock Exchange would mean that any sensible company listed in London should consider going private.

But perhaps the most galling thing is that the US controls the internet. Essentially, through controlling the domain names we all use every day, the internet is far from an international vehicle.

Now with the threat of the Senate voting down Net Neutrality (please sign the petition), surely it is time for the rest of the world to set itself free.

Enjoy your independence day, USA, but it's now time to give real freedom to the internet.
