Attention Deficit

I'm more and more impressed with how Brightcove are going about building an ecosystem. They're a smart company which is now beginning to release workable consumer facing technology.

Their latest wheeze is a client encoder that seems very user friendly.

However, there may be a sticking point to their ambitions. If you check out the top video on their portal 'Adam Sandler for Click' it claims over 2m views, but the average viewing time of under 40 secs (that's 18% average viewing on a 3:36 video).


The dip-in video model is fine, but eyeball time is everything in TV advertising. The trouble with the short clip approach is that it encourages clicking around, whereas TV is an engaging and engrossing medium and this is why it has been so successful.

It also points to the fundamental differences between Brightcove as a company and Narrowstep as a company.


Anonymous said…
P2P live streaming is not new, if you are using TVkoo, the website on P2P live streaming. Much btter quality and efficiancy, it is heard of one server supporting 100 000 users or more globally.