IP European Tour

From time to time I'm asked to pontificate and relate my experiences about life in the front line of TV 2.0, so, for those of you interested enough to want to meet me in public, here are forthcoming dates on my European Tour:

8th September - IBC, Amsterdam - an exciting new product announcement with my friends at Amino; 3:30pm, Hall 5 Stand 298

13th September - Hotel Silken Berlaymont, Brussels - launch of EUX TV - a TV channel aimed at the European affairs community; 9am

29th September - Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam - PICNIC 06; one of the world's major new media conflabs; 11:30am

13th October - Copenhagen - New Media Days, organised by DR; 10:30am

30th November - Excel, Docklands, London - Digital Hollywood Europe; all about the IPTV home: 10:30am

Booking still being taken !
