Narrowcasting seems to be poised to enter its heyday, with a major feature on BBC News yesterday (sorry about the truly appalling quality from the BBC) featuring Narrowstep clients, the Country Channel and Cycling TV.
What's most interesting is to note the move to a wider range of subjects than just sport, which has been the staple of narrowcasting channels to date.
Other new channels include EUX TV for European Affairs, HorseTV for all things equine, a new channel for the Prime Minister of Spain and, my favourite, inevitably - Whisky TV.
What's most interesting is to note the move to a wider range of subjects than just sport, which has been the staple of narrowcasting channels to date.
Other new channels include EUX TV for European Affairs, HorseTV for all things equine, a new channel for the Prime Minister of Spain and, my favourite, inevitably - Whisky TV.