It had to happen. Those innovative guys at Cellcast (a Narrowstep client and partner) have launched a broadcast version of their Sumo TV video user generated content site, where the best clips, as voted for by viewers, get shown on the broadcast version of the channel on the Sky satellite service.
All major news organisations and many mainstream channels are encouraging users to contribute content and more and more services offering payment to contributors, such as Metacafe are appearing.
The challenge in doing this is that most of these channel will need to moderate the content provided (Narrowstep has already introduced software to do this for customers such as ITV).
So, the new worst job in the world is an editor of UCG TV.
All major news organisations and many mainstream channels are encouraging users to contribute content and more and more services offering payment to contributors, such as Metacafe are appearing.
The challenge in doing this is that most of these channel will need to moderate the content provided (Narrowstep has already introduced software to do this for customers such as ITV).
So, the new worst job in the world is an editor of UCG TV.