The ability to stream yourself live to the world has long been available and more and more entrants are coming into the market.
Rawflow are in beta with their Selfcast product, and other similar products include: Mogulus, Buzznet, BlogTV,,, Stickam, Paltalk, Veodia, Operator11 and many, many others.
The vlogging market hasn't really caught on apart from some extreme examples such as Justin TV and its many immitators, but that may well change.
The video conferencing on Skype now works well and more and more computers come with a camera and mic built in, but the key to the takeoff of this market is self-streaming from mobile phones, which is the latest functionality to be offered by YouTube, joining existing services such as PeerBoxMobile.
Also, broadcasters are increasingly integrating live user streams into their programming with indifferent technical results.
Rawflow are in beta with their Selfcast product, and other similar products include: Mogulus, Buzznet, BlogTV,,, Stickam, Paltalk, Veodia, Operator11 and many, many others.
The vlogging market hasn't really caught on apart from some extreme examples such as Justin TV and its many immitators, but that may well change.
The video conferencing on Skype now works well and more and more computers come with a camera and mic built in, but the key to the takeoff of this market is self-streaming from mobile phones, which is the latest functionality to be offered by YouTube, joining existing services such as PeerBoxMobile.
Also, broadcasters are increasingly integrating live user streams into their programming with indifferent technical results.