Big Head, Very Long Tail

Here is a roundup of the latest comScore Video Metrix fisgures for online video viewing. It shows the absolute dominance of YouTube - although I suspect the UK figures will have skewed in favour of the BBC and some of the other video services (indeed, I would go as far as to question comScore's methodology in sourcing these statistics).


Anonymous said…
So if BT Vision have 340,000 real subscribers - press release November 2008 - then you have to wonder why they aren't on the UK list above VEOH. Surely they must love the service they are paying for enough to on average watch a couple of videos a day and maybe download the odd £2.95 blockbuster movie from BT?

Someone has their figures wrong or maybe they are counting 'apples but no oranges' as they say!

Enjoying the blog, keep up the great work, amazed you find the time :-) Tim.