Big Brother Champions Narrowcasting

Above is a diagram showing what Sky are about to introduce to their customers; the ability to profile them and to dynamically insert ads on the fly using technology from their former technology arm, NDS.

It might just be that Sky become the flag bearers of the narrowcasting revolution as they slice and dice their audiences.

It's more bad news for local media who will now face local delivery against nationally popular programming. However, what this will do is introduce this concept as mainstream and get media agencies into the habit of planning their campaigns in a far more targeted manner. In time it may also benefit local media:

It does amuse me that the above model on the internet has been derided, but since no one is willing to go through the hassle of changing their telly service, it's unlikely that there will be any significant outcry over this.

Indeed, and ironically, this may be the way that internet TV narrowcasting and targeted video ad delivery takes off - as an extension to the same technology on traditional TV.
