Some years ago I bought an Archos PVR which enabled me to carry 100GB of video content around with me. It did, sort of, hook up to my telly, but it was easier to rip DVDs and load them onto it (however grey an area that was at the time).
But it was, well, difficult and all video services ever since have proven to be the same. The content didn't exactly, come to me as TV content does.
I love the Vidiactive technology because it allows me to store 'my content' in one place (in effect all I'm doing is storing URLs) and allows me to watch it on my big screen. It makes aggregating the content I find much easier. A big step in the right direction.
Which brings me to the iPad (let's ignore the fact that all it is is a blown up iPhone, which is clever, because there are many things you do on the iPhone, such as read eBooks, listen to music and watch video which are constrained).
What my old Archos device and my iPad have in common is that they're both pretty good to consume video on the move. What both of them lack is a coherent content service. It's all just too hard. Not like my telly.
I don't want to have to navigate from one app to another, as Google TV, Yahoo and many others propose. I want a single interface with all my content on it. In fact, sod video on demand. What I want is to chose my content and create my own playlists. When I want TV I don't want that pointy clicky experience. I want that lean back, come to daddy experience.