According to the recent comscore figures Ustream enjoyed a massive jump in audience between March and April climbing from @6m uu to @8m uu per month. This places it in the top 200 of websites worldwide. Ustream is a platform much enjoyed by the Pirates and no doubt will be distributing multiple live feeds of tonight's Champions League final.
YouTube was and is a massive challenge to the non live media market; in all likelyhood the challenge presented by Ustream and its competitors to the live rights market is even greater given the reliance of many Pay TV operators worldwide on small volumes of exclusive premium content to drive their entire business models.
YouTube was and is a massive challenge to the non live media market; in all likelyhood the challenge presented by Ustream and its competitors to the live rights market is even greater given the reliance of many Pay TV operators worldwide on small volumes of exclusive premium content to drive their entire business models.