The British have a v bad habit of knocking success and in the current environment it is easy to forget how good Sky's results are. 10.3 million customers and 16% revenue growth against a backdrop of zero growth in the UK generally (unless you want to argue that 0.2 is materially different to 0).
Most impressive is that customers taking tv, broadband and talk packages together grew by 37% to a total of 2.8 million and Sky have unbundled 385 exchanges giving them ownership of the pipes through which next generation services will flow. It is pretty clear that Sky's moves into broadband and telephony have been more effective than BT's moves into TV. This has been achieved in spite of the implicit guarantee that BT enjoys from the UK govt (explicit in the case of its pension arrangements). Leaving the politics aside this is a great set of results.
Most impressive is that customers taking tv, broadband and talk packages together grew by 37% to a total of 2.8 million and Sky have unbundled 385 exchanges giving them ownership of the pipes through which next generation services will flow. It is pretty clear that Sky's moves into broadband and telephony have been more effective than BT's moves into TV. This has been achieved in spite of the implicit guarantee that BT enjoys from the UK govt (explicit in the case of its pension arrangements). Leaving the politics aside this is a great set of results.