Netflix and AOL are both investing in original programming, and there are even rumours that Netflix might resurrect the shelved US network hit Arrested Development. Meanwhile, Google has reportedly put up $100m to kick start its new channels.
We're moving into a world where the audience has considerable power: how long before the Bring Back Deadwood group on Facebook gangs up and pre-pays for the return of that other series cut down in its prime ?
The dynamics of programme making are shifting to the viewer and there's a great business model in creating a platform where users can gang up and bid for rights, cutting out the middle men.
Hmmm, I feel a startup coming on...
We're moving into a world where the audience has considerable power: how long before the Bring Back Deadwood group on Facebook gangs up and pre-pays for the return of that other series cut down in its prime ?
The dynamics of programme making are shifting to the viewer and there's a great business model in creating a platform where users can gang up and bid for rights, cutting out the middle men.
Hmmm, I feel a startup coming on...