So, now the BBC are planning to charge us for programmes we have already paid for.
Just as ITV is looking to ask people to pay for content on its pisspoor online service, we are now going to be asked to pay 'pennies' for classic programmes that have been paid for time and again by British TV viewers.
It's high time that the BBC was regulated by OFCOM like all other proper broadcasters in this country.
This is an organisation totally out of control, with no accountability, unless you count the most institutionalised of mandarins, Chris Patten, that patsy of our governance. An average politician that gladly and supinely handed Hong Kong to the communists, and is now entrusted with delivering yet more institutional whitewash.
Such jobs for the boys!
Frankly,using our billions in direct taxes, the BBC has been more concerned with being a property company, wasting hundreds of millions on moving from central London to White City, back to central London and then to Salford.
Yet the average Brit thinks they're great. What a propaganda machine...
What else would you expect from a taxpayer sponsored monopoly who have largely escaped the financial strictures that the rest of us have to live by, totally supported by a supine government.
An organisation that politically lobbies and uses the kind of tactics that would make News International blush in their efforts to maintain their total TV monopolies in Wales and Scotland, for example.
We pay for fine cake, and they take the biscuit. When will we finally reform the dreadful monster that is the BBC ?
Just as ITV is looking to ask people to pay for content on its pisspoor online service, we are now going to be asked to pay 'pennies' for classic programmes that have been paid for time and again by British TV viewers.
It's high time that the BBC was regulated by OFCOM like all other proper broadcasters in this country.
This is an organisation totally out of control, with no accountability, unless you count the most institutionalised of mandarins, Chris Patten, that patsy of our governance. An average politician that gladly and supinely handed Hong Kong to the communists, and is now entrusted with delivering yet more institutional whitewash.
Such jobs for the boys!
Frankly,using our billions in direct taxes, the BBC has been more concerned with being a property company, wasting hundreds of millions on moving from central London to White City, back to central London and then to Salford.
Yet the average Brit thinks they're great. What a propaganda machine...
What else would you expect from a taxpayer sponsored monopoly who have largely escaped the financial strictures that the rest of us have to live by, totally supported by a supine government.
An organisation that politically lobbies and uses the kind of tactics that would make News International blush in their efforts to maintain their total TV monopolies in Wales and Scotland, for example.
We pay for fine cake, and they take the biscuit. When will we finally reform the dreadful monster that is the BBC ?