I'm currently spending most of my working time looking at digital asset management systems and I'm becoming increasingly convinced that most organisations need to look at two different systems.

Let me call there an LDAMS (local digital asset management system) and CDAMS (cloud digital asset management system). Now, most vendors will claim that their product will do both, but my experience of the market is that this is wishful thinking.

LDAMS systems have specific requirement for ingesting and tagging content, creating proxies and rough cuts, largely using digital broadcast formats. The system needs to be compliant to concepts such as SMTPE standards. it's about rushes and elements.

CDAMS is much more about versioning and distribution in the digital world: it's about finished assets that need to be sent to many destinations in different formats and configurations.

At TVE we're currently working on a white paper that will cover all of this in more detail and we'll post it here once it's complete.